Save Water

Consider your life without water – Frightening, isn’t it? Only 1% of the total Earth’s water resource is available for human consumption. World’s population is over 7 Billion and that number is growing by 3 every second! So consider preserving water and besides petrol.

World Environment Day

World Environment Day is commemorated every year on June 5 to promote awareness on the importance of preserving our biodiversity. It also aims to identify issues related to environment and ways to take corrective action. All the employees of C&S took pledge to give back to Mother Nature. Programs were conducted at factories, offices & Project (EPC) sites of C&S Electric Limited.

Earth Day

Earth day is a largest celebrated international environment event. C&S celebrated Earthd day from 20th to 23rd April. C&S celebrated Earth day at NGO “Family Service” on 21st April 2012 with children there. Trees were planted in factories.

Save Water

Consider your life without water – Frightening, isn’t it? Only 1% of the total Earth’s water resource is available for human consumption. World’s population is over 7 Billion and that number is growing by 3 every second! So consider preserving water and besides petrol.

Green Birthday

Birthday is a great joy of day for everyone. At C&S, we celebrate birthday of each employee. Starting a new tradition of giving back to Mother Nature, C&S decided to plant a tree on birthday of each employee.

World Environment Day

World Environment Day is commemorated every year on June 5 to promote awareness on the importance of preserving our biodiversity. It also aims to identify issues related to environment and ways to take corrective action. All the employees of C&S took pledge to give back to Mother Nature. Programs were conducted at factories, offices & Project (EPC) sites of C&S Electric Limited.